GitHub Pages Hacks

Enhance or update your GitHub Pages using your new knowledge from Previous Hacks.

  • Alter with images and links according to some of your personal interests projet.
  • Make your contain a submenu that points to several Notebooks.
  • Make one of the Notebooks a planning document on what you attempted to do versus accomplishment.
  • Make one of the Notebooks running a JavaScript cell
  • Make one of the Notebooks and About Pages

Theme Hacks

  • Setup your blog so you can rotate between two different themes, one in _config.yml and one in _sass/minima
  • Be prepared for live demonstration and show you have equivalent functionality.
  • Be sure you have something in your blog that uses Nighthawk SASS.

Jekyll and Liquid Hack

  • Alter the appearance of the blogs. Modify the layout, style, or content of your blog posts to reflect your personal taste.

Utterances Hacks

  • Setup your blogs for direct feedback.
  • Get two other people to mutually share work.
  • Each should evaluate how many thing were accomplished versus asked.